Style : Muay Thai with devastating punchers and kicks
Nationality : Thailand
Fights : More than 250 pro muay thai fights
Job : Currently trainer at Boxxwarrior Gym, Kulim, Malaysia
I was once told by his former Master Pak Da(former chief trainer in Boxxwarrior too), when Bow was age 13 he was force to make at least 80 reps Chin Ups everyday after training. Sometimes Bow did the chin ups until tears came out. He is very powerful in his kicks and punchers until you can heard the sound of kicking and punching on the bag like people hitting a drum!
1 time when Bow just came to Malaysia, one of my friend Mukriz(trained in boxxwarrior) saw Bow and told me : Man! this guy chin is huge, i am sure he can withstand a lots of punishment to his chin.
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