Shadow Boxing

Shadow Boxing - How Important?

Shadow boxing is one of the best exercises to achieve actual boxing in its complete form.

Liken to choreography of a play on the stage in the theatre. Shadow boxing is one of the only practices in boxing that brings all components of learning in boxing together as one, if carried out correctly.

The term shadow boxing does not do the action of shadow boxing justice at all. If given a choice choreography of boxing should be the phrase used, to describe the action of shadow boxing. That then would give the activity of shadow boxing far more importance. So top of the list of boxing activities to master and master well.

To put it into perspective would be to say, if in a play on the stage how good would the play be without any choreography? Diabolical to say the least! Well how can boxers effectively carry out a perfected boxing display, if not achieving this simple task to the point of mastery? Now understand the idea in this article is not to contradict trainers and coaches in the systems they have in affect.

Having been locally out and about finding out what goes on in the boxing gyms. Knowing that many boxers are not learning this activity or not in understanding of how important shadow boxing really is, to achieve carrying out competent boxing. Witnessing from first hand experience the actual absence of shadow boxing in some of the boxing gyms, I have reached locally. Something that was paramount when I myself was completely competitively submerged in the sport of boxing.

It is only in shadow boxing that one can imagine the opponent having attacking and defending moves played out through the rounds. Where counter actions can be practiced without an actual opponent striking or even the threat of being hut like when in sparring, (sparring meaning: in the ring against an opponent in the boxing gym ring, usually a club mate).

There is a hesitancy following through all actions effectively to the point of mastery, if under threat of being punched in the face every time if throwing incorrectly.

Which undermines the potential at hand by not completing actual punch moves or stance positioning correctly. When shadow boxing there is no threat existing, having no opponent. Which then removes the ' being hut factor ' draw back so important ring movement abilities and punching effectiveness are able to have mastery at any level.

Mindset produces hesitancy, which derives from the thought of or the fact of having been sparring already missing target when throwing punches, so caught by counter punches. Which will slow anyone from completing effectively choreography of boxing. Resulting in being defensively over enhanced to be able too focus on carrying out punch moves, as well as perfecting ring mobility at all.
