Tomoi(Muay Thai) In Danger In Kelantan

First is this....

Tomoi must abide by Islamic rules [the Star]
KOTA BARU: Tomoi boxing competitions in Kelantan will have to abide by Islamic rules, said state Human Development, Youth, Sports and NGOs Secretariat deputy director Mohd Ridza Mohd Zain.

Among others, he said the competitors should wear shirts, adding that they should put on something else besides shorts.
“They must not have talismans and tattoos on their bodies,” he said.
“The new tomoi apparel must cover the aurat,” he added.
Mohd Ridza said the conditions were stipulated in the rules that were recently enforced by the state government in efforts to assimilate Islamic values in sports.
The secretariat would formulate new sports rules and regulations in tandem with the Islamic policy adopted by the state government, he said. — Bernama

and Today...

Tomoi in danger of being KO’d

KOTA BARU: The Kelantan government’s recent decision to impose an aurat-covering dress code for tomoi contestants will kill the kickboxing sport in the state.
“We have received many appeals from the organisers and we have relayed the matter to the state government. Many of them complained that it would be near impossible to abide by the strict rules,” said Kelantan Tomoi Boxing Association president Ramli Ibrahim.
The Kelantan government has announced that participants of tomoi boxing competitions must wear attire which cover the aurat (the area between the navel and knees for men).
It stipulated that the competitors must wear shirts and that no one can wear talismans or have tattoos on their bodies.
Ramli said the association had informed the organisers about the new rules.
“The feedback I got was that the organisers will find it very difficult to get the boxers to cover their aurat,” he said.

“But this matter can be resolved if organisers understand what it takes to keep the sport alive,” he said in a telephone interview here.

He also said that all competitions must have at least three teams comprising Kelantanese boxers and one team from Thai land.

An ardent tomoi boxing fan for the past 30 years, Hashim Ismail, 50, said the sport – which has been around for at least half a century – would fade away if it could not attract the younger generation.

He called on the sports bodies to look into the problem and seek ways to keep the sport alive.
“Yes, it is a violent sport but when you introduce new regulations that are too strict, the sport will suffer,” he said.

(哥打峇鲁22日讯)吉兰丹州道德发展、青年、体育及非政府组织发展委员会主席阿都法达马末吁请各族泰拳选手,遵循泰拳服饰指南,即裤子必须遮盖肚脐至膝 盖,以避免在比赛时露点,让女观众难为情。

他披露,实际上,丹州政府早在2006年与吉兰丹拳击协会达致共识,让他们在三年时间内更改服饰。丹州政府对泰拳选手的服饰要求,是裤子必须遮盖肚脐至膝 盖,因为许多选手往往在第二圈时,因过于疲累,而掀低裤子,非常不雅,更因此让观赛的女观众难为情。


他表示,任何的防身术,不管是华族的武术、马来武术、跆拳道及空手道等,穿着都非常端庄,为何泰拳就不能?就算泰拳过去的传统是这样,必须裸露上身,但现 在是处于改变的年代,这些思维都必须改正。


有鉴于此,阿都法达马末说,丹州政府定下泰拳服饰指南,通过教育,让选手渐渐接受新的服饰。他说,他们的用意是让年轻子民远离毒品及不良习惯,因此去年丹 州政府也与拳击协会达成共识,凡泰拳参赛者,都必须进行尿液检查。



他说,他于2006年与吉兰丹拳击协会共同探讨解禁泰拳运动之时,就曾谈论过必须遵守的条件,第一阶段的三项条件,分别是禁止赌博、需有秩序地安排观赛者 的坐位,以避免出现打架问题,以及禁止选手们在比赛前的祈祷仪式。至于第二阶段,则是要改变参赛者的思维,让他们在二至三年时间,对服饰指南作出改变。

